Eye On Wellness Mental Strength

Stress eating…. According to sports dietician Natalie Rizzo awareness is one of the first steps to understanding your eating habits during times of high stress

You have to recognize that you’re feeling stressed and recognize that you’re turning to food.

Your relationship with food should be a balance and sometimes it can take on more of a mental effort to readjust eating habits.

If you find yourself heading to the kitchen more than usual, Rizzo and Care Express Wellness Coach Ronda Roden share these four strategies.

Find a different way to occupy yourself like take a walk or maybe even knitting.

Consider all foods in moderation. It’s alright to give in to cravings, but limit frequency and portion size.

Try healthier versions of your favorite foods. Make healthy swaps like zucchini noodles in place of processed pasta.

And above all else, Do not adjust every thing at once. Making minor changes one at a time is more sustainable over the long term.

Remember you control your thoughts and habits, don’t let them control you.