City Council Meeting May 9

The current Amarillo mayor and city council are set to meet one more time Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. Among the items to be discussed are approvals for amendments to extend the lease agreement between the city and DZ Cattle Company. Options to be considered will be a one-year extension and a two-year extension.

The purchase of new vehicles will also be discussed in what should be a shorter-than-usual council meeting Tuesday. Six Battery Electric Light Duty Ford E-Transit Vans and two ADA Accessible Minivans to be purchased from Creative Bus Sales for $838,770.00 using federal grants and Transit Development Credits and six new motorcycles for the police department are to be considered. The motorcycles will be purchased locally from Tripp’s Harley Davidson at a cost of $115,282.00 and will replace those that have reached the end of their life cycle due to age and mileage.

To view Amarillo city council meetings online, click here.