“Judge Shopping” Legislation Takes Aim At Amarillo

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer last week introduced legislation to stop what some are calling “Judge Shopping” which may have it roots right here in Amarillo.

Called the “End Judge Shopping Act,” what Schumer and others hope to do is randomly assign judges to civil cases that could have state or national consequences.

The catalyst for Schumer’s legislation appears to be in response to North Texas chief judge David Godbey who wrote to the New York Senator in early April suggesting judges in his district would not abide by the Judiciary Conference’s rule. Schumer replied with “the Senate will consider legislative options that put an end to this misguided practice.”

Several conservative plaintiffs seeking to sue the Biden administration have presented their case here in Amarillo where Trump-appointed U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk is the only sitting judge.

Judge Kacsmaryk has recently ruled on high-profile abortion medication and LGBTQ cases, the most notable of which is the FDA’s approval of the abortion drug mifepristone which the judge overturned. That case is now sitting before the Supreme Court of the United States.

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