KGNC Eye on Wellness: Stress
Consider these facts; 95 percent of all illnesses are caused or worsened by stress, Low socioeconomic status is associated with poorer health outcomes and a higher risk of death in all forms. This is not because of poor health habits but because of feelings of powerlessness and loss of control.
Stress hormones damage the memory center of the brain, the hippocampus, causing memory loss and dementia.
In a study of Doctors who scored high on hostility questionaires, they had a higher risk of heart attacks than those who smoked, were overweight, had high blood pressure or did not exercise.
So if you don’t think the mind has the power to influence , think again.
Here’s how to calm your mind.
Relax… learn how to actively relax, Learn news skills, like meditation, deep breathing, yoga, biofeedback and progressive muscle relaxation. You can also take a hot bath, get a message, watch a sunset or just take a walk,
Move your body, an excellent way to burn off stress chemicals and heal your mind. It’s better than Prozac
On behalf of Eye On Wellness Coach, Rhonda Lahnert, Be well and Stay healthy. I’m Chuck Williams and I’ll catch you next week on Eye On Wellness on KGNC.