Eye On Wellness-Smooth Moves

Here’s some smooth moves to help you improve or regain flexibility.

Try the Reverse Lunge with a side bend. Start with feet together and step back with your right leg into a reverse lunge with both knees and bending and pelvis tucked forward.

Squeeze your right glute and reach your right arm overhead, Then bend your torso to the left and reach your left arm across your body. On the last rep hold for 10 seconds. Repeat twice, then switch sides. This is good for Hip Flexors and lower back.

For Mobility of the hips. do wide squats with internal rotation. Star by standing with feet wider than hip-width apart and stack your shoulders over your hips. extend arms in front of you and lower into a squat.

Without moving the left leg, rotate the right leg by pivoting the foot and hip inward and engage left glute for greater internal rotation of right hip. Rotate right leg back to a squat then stand up. do this exercise two more times then switch sides.

On behalf of BSA Care Express Wellness Coach, Rhonda Roden… Be Well and Stay Healthy. I’m Chuck Williams and I’ll catch you again next week with another health tip on KGNC

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