City of Amarillo To Open Up Friday With Some Guidelines

During the City of Amarillos Virtual Council Meeting, members voted on a new executive order which stays in line with Texas Governor Greg Abbott.


Starting Friday, May 1st, Retail Businesses, Restaurants, Movie Theaters and Shopping Malls can reopen but must limit their capacity to 25 percent of their listed occupancy. 


When it comes to the topic of shopping malls, the food court dining areas, play areas and interactive displays and settings must remain closed until further notice.


Phase 2 would allow businesses to bump up capacity to 50% and will start taking place around May 18th as long as the State doesn’t see a flare up on Covid-19.


With the new order, if you are found in violation you could face a fine of up to $1,000, up to 180 days in jail or both.


Bars, gyms, pools, massage parlors, tattoo parlors, barber shops and salons still remain closed at this time but Gov Abbott said he hopes they will be able to open mid to late May.


Governor Greg Abbott will let the stay home executive order expire on Thursday, April 30 at 11:59 p.m.