West Nile Virus In Canyon

There is now a confirmed case of West Nile Virus in Canyon.

The City of Amarillo Department of Environmental Health notified Canyon staff yesterday, according to a press release, the positive West Nile virus test was from a mosquito pool.

The COA, which helps out Canyon, has been trapping mosquitoes in that city since early summer.

The pool of mosquitoes testing positive was found in the area near Paul Lindsey Park and this is the first positive case of West Nile in Canyon.

City officials are actively spraying around town and at parks. They said standing water is being treated with larvicide to prevent mosquito larvae from hatching.

Officials are proving awareness and prevention tips which are:

Drain all standing water to reduce mosquito breeding areas

Dress in long sleeves and pants

Wear insect repellent with Deet

Stay indoors at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most prevalent

Properly maintain lawns and vegetation to assist in prevention

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