With millions of Americans being told to self-quarantine and social distance themself from others, this could take a toll on their mental health.

Dr. Angelo McClain the CEO of the National Association of Social Workers.

Social workers are the largest provider of mental health services in the country and are well-positioned to care for people suffering from these conditions.

If a person is home alone, connecting with loved ones through FaceTime, Zoom or Skype are some of the essential ways you can help keep your mental health.

Patients and providers now have a way to communicate virtually with the help of telehealth services.

These services will help patients avoid unnecessary office or hospital visits, hopefully lowering their risk for contracting.

Dr. Angelo McClain the CEO of the National Association of Social Workers.

The community is reminded to continue practicing social distancing, enhance hygiene practices, stay away from groups of 10 people or more, cancel all traveling and contact your healthcare provider if you are experiencing symptoms.

Angelo McClain

Hear the full interview here