City Wide Warming Centers
The Panhandle is facing cold temperatures like they’ve never seen before.
This is putting people in need in dire trouble.
The city’s main four shelters, the Guyon Saunders Resource Center, The Salvation Army, Faith City Mission, and the Code Blue Warming Station are all seeing an uptick in clients, during the recent cold snap.
The Saunders Resource Center has had 185 people check into the center and most of them were there all day and, they didn’t close until 4:30 p.m.
When the Resource Center closes for the day that’s when the other three places take over.
The Salvation Army says its seen a 30 percent increase in its numbers and the Code Blue Warming Station has provided shelter for over a hundred individuals each night, including some with pets since last Thursday.
There are needs for donations in the form of bottled water, gloves, and hand warmers