Wheat is the Centerpiece for Fun, Online Learning

While Texas Wheat Producers is at the forefront of wheat education in the state, Steelee Fischbacher of TWP says there are additional organizations making online cooking/baking and nutrition experiences possible during COVID-19.

“The Wheat Foods Council. This is a group that we are apart of and we help fund along with other states to try to increase education that consumers and professionals have about the importance of wheat in the diet.” She says it’s a multifaceted platform that looks at wheat in a healthy diet, as well as how farmers get wheat from the farm to your fork. “A lot of these events that we typically participate in have gone virtual and so has wheat foods council. They’ve really stepped up their game in producing video content and they’re closing in on 1 million views on a lot of these videos.”

The Home Baking Association is another resource Steelee recommends. “They have a lot of recipe videos and instructional videos not only for consumers at home, but they also target that information to Home Ec. classes and different courses that are taught in elementary and high school.”

Other topics include: planting considerations for farmers, CRP and CFAP program changes, and a recent award that TWP presented

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