Laura Street Named In $750K AEDC-To-RANGE Wire Transfer

Following up on a story first shared on KGNC Earlier this week…

According to a story published Wednesday in the Amarillo Globe-News, it was Laura Street that made the prepayment request to the AEDC for three years of dues to be paid to The RANGE. She is listed as one of the three primary board members of that group.

As the AEDC lists itself as a founding member of The RANGE (Regional Accelerator & New Growth Engine), dues are $250,000 per year, creating a pre-payment of $750,000 to cover years 2023, 2024 and 2025. 

That money was paid by wire transfer on January 20, 2023, and reportedly authorized by two city finance staff members.

The RANGE, originally known as Amarillo Global Food Hub, seeks to make Amarillo the food capital of the country – much like Napa Valley is known for its wine –  while studying the nutritional needs of Texas Panhandle residents.

AEDC President and CEO Kevin Carter – who also serves on The Range board as secretary – says no member of The RANGE board receives financial compensation, including him, adding a recent audit failed to find any financial irregularities.

Carter says the AEDC will release information about the wire transfer and share the recent audit once personal information has been redacted.

The City, meanwhile, says as this is an ongoing investigation, it is not at liberty to make any comment.

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