Senseless Act Of Violence Nets Shooter 42 Years Behind Bars

A man has been convicted of murder for a shooting during a video game party.

Matthew Wilson will serve 42 years in prison in the Texas Department of Corrections for an unprovoked shooting

On July 19th of 2017, several people gathered at a house on Tyler Street near Amarillo Blvd to hang out and play video games when someone began shooting.

Brandon Washington was running away from the home when he was shot in the hip and chest. He was able to make it two streets away before collapsing.

He was later found by EMS at the corner of Polk Street and Amarillo Boulevard and was taken to a hospital, but died shortly after due to his injuries.

Witnesses reported that the shooter was Matthew Wilson and that the two had never met.

The case was tried in the 251st District Court and Wilson elected for the judge to assess punishment.

Judge Ana Estevez sentenced him to 42 years in prison for Washington’s murder.

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