Modernization at Pantex

Modernization at the Pantex Plant continues especially in the area of High Explosives manufacturing.

Since 1960, Pantex has provided a cradle-to-grave, high explosives manufacturer for all weapons programs and production.

That includes formulation, synthesis, disposition, and testing and has received the High Explosives Center of Excellence for manufacturing from the National Nuclear Security Administration.

They have to improve, Pantex officials believe, that they have to continue to improve every day, and that means they have to have to work on major facility upgrades.

Budgets and time are two of the biggest challenges facing these modernization efforts to produce these specialized facilities. Decades of strategic planning and obtaining the funding for High Explosives modernization efforts have been top priorities at Pantex.

Many of the new facilities will be replacing buildings, built back during World War, and the modernization is expected to be complete by 2030


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