Texas Department Of Transportation Know Before You Go Road Report

The Texas Department of Transportation wants you to be aware that from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m the Georgia Street, 34th Avenue intersection will be undergoing signal light upgrades.

Police will be in place managing traffic control and the intersection will have flashing red lights in the early morning and evening hours. The project is expected to be complete by Friday.

On Wednesday February 15th and Thursday the 16th, be on the watch for various ramp closures on westbound Loop 335 at Eastern Street for maintenance work.

Throughout the week, watch for various ramp closures on eastbound Loop 335 from Bell to I-40 for roadwork. This work is expected to take several weeks to complete and,

Both directions of U.S. 87 will be reduced to two lanes at the Northeast 15th Street Bridge for bridge deck reconstruction.

Make sure you’re on the lookout for one lane of traffic at various locations from the intersection of RM 1061 and Amarillo Boulevard to U.S 385 for asphalt laying and pavement marking

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