Holiday Safety Tips

The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center is offering these safety tips to ensure their holiday season is as safe as it can be.

Dr. John Griswold with the University, says families need to plan ahead, and slow down, when it comes to planning your holiday celebrations.

He suggests not leaving the kitchen when something is cooking on the stovetop, and not leaving the house when the turkey is in the oven. Keep a fire extinguisher handy if possible.

Do’nt leave electrical cords dangling where they can become tripping hazards or where they can be pulled down or grabbed by a child.

Griswold also suggests decorate with care. Inspect all power and extension cords for tears and other damage, and make sure all cords are out of reach of children.

Never decorate alone Invite a friend or family member to join in and the n help each other with ladder and electrical safety so