Fatal Crash Near Pampa Last Weekend

The Texas Department of Public Safety has reported a fatal crash near Pampa, TX. 

Taking place on Sunday, the 12th, a 2006 Nissan Titan pickup held 5 children (3 inside the truck bed) traveling eastbound on County Road D outside of Pampa at 1 pm. 

When the driver drove past the posted speed limit, the truck entered a soft side skid to the right and traveled across the road towards the opposite side ditch.

The driver over-corrected the steering, causing them to enter a side skid to the left back across the roadway and into the ditch, where it rolled over and ejected all unsecured passengers.

The children were transported to a local medical facility where four of them, the driver included, suffered injuries ranging from non-life threatening to serious ones. 

One child (17 years old) was transferred to BSA Hospital with life-threatening injuries and later was announced dead due to the sustained wounds. 

The crash is still an ongoing investigation by The Texas Highway Patrol as of right now.

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