Eye On Wellness- Grip

Here’s three exercises for grip strength.

On this week’s Eye On Wellness, you saw some of these exercises to improve grip strength.

The Hang: Grab a pull-up bar, palms facing away from you and your arms about a shoulder-width apart. Hang for as long as you can from 10 seconds to two minutes, rest then repeat. Do for three sets.

The Farmers Walk: Hold a pair of heavy dumbbells arms down by your side.

Stand tall and gaze ahead, slowly walking forward. Engage the muscles of your shoulders so the dumbells don’t touch your thighs. Walk until grip starts to fail or form breaks down Rest, then repeat.. Do three sets.

Finally, The Deadlift..Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding heavy dumbells or a barbell in front of you, palms facing towards you. Keep your back flat and core engeged, send your buttocks back, hinging at the hips and bending knees.as you move your torso towards the ground. Drive all the way through yur feet to stand back up.

Do three sets of eight reps.

On behalf of BSA Care Express Wellness Coach, Rhonda Roden, Be Well and Stay Healthy. Unti next week with another health tip, I’m Chuck Williams for Eye On Wellness on KGNC.


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