EOW Stress Relievers

Stress is defined as when you perceive that a  task has yo overwhelmed your ability to complete it.

Here are some simple ways to combat that stress. Just ask someone to help you.  If you have problems with your finances, you go to a professional or someone you trust. Use this as a way to get down to the meat of the problem.

Take a stress Break.  To charge your phone, you have to plug it in … To charge your brain, you must unplug it. Look for the opportunity to stop multitasking.

Use the quieting reflex to signal to your body that all is well. Smile inwardly to yourself, then take a deep breath. Visualize, Visualize. Take a deep breath coming up from your feet, through your body, and filling your lungs. Then exhale using the same sequence in reverse.

On behalf of KGNC Wellness Coach Rhonda Lahnert, Be well and Stay Healthy. I’m Chuck Williams for Eye on Wellness on KGNC.

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