EOW _ Country Strong

You can become country strong with little to no equipment, meaning you don’t have to be rich to stay in shape.

First try the simple push-up Start with doing 5 sets of twenty. can’t do them all at once? Do as many as you can, rest ten seconds then do more reps until you complete twenty.

Air Squats Feet shoulder width apart with your abs and glutes tight. Push your rear end back and bend your knees, lower youtr torso until your thighs are parallel to the floors. Stand back up and repeat. Do five sets of 15. Now, this is where it gets harder and trickier..

The plank shoulder tap. Start in the push-up position, hands below your shoulders, and your feet should still be shoulder width apart, Keeping your core and glutes tight. Without moving your hips, lift your right hand and touch it to your left shoulder. Hold for a split second, then return to the floor. Repeat on the other side. Do reps for 30 seconds. Do five reps.

On behalf o KGNC Weeness Coach Rhonda Rhoden … I’m Chuck Williams The Care Express Eye On Wellness, Be well and Stay Healthy.. For Eye On Wellness on KGNC

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