Breakdown Of The Upcoming Election

With the election coming on November 2nd, it is important to know the information about what is on the ballot. 

There are 8 Amendments to the Texas Constitution, as well as Tax increase vote for Amarillo. 

Proposition A proposes to increase the Tax Rate to $0.48 per $100of Property value per year. 

This is increased by about $0.04 from the current rate and this raise will allow for the hiring of additional law enforcement officers, equipment for the fire department, and improvements to public spaces like parks and playgrounds. 




Proposition 1 wants to allow charities and organizations to allow raffles while at rodeo events

This will allow for revenue generation for the charities involved and will hold to a similar standard as with other sports leagues that allow such practices. 

Arguments against this vote could be made on the basis that raffles are a form of gambling, which can have negative effects, and allowing raffles in the sport could further open up possibilities elsewhere. 




Proposition 2 wants to allow counties the ability to write bonds for the development or redevelopment of public transportation and infrastructure to undeveloped or blighted communities. 

This is a new proposal for something that counties can do, albeit in a different way. 

These development projects would allow an increase in property values, as well as improve the infrastructure that texas needs as it grows.

Arguments against this vote can be tied to increasing county debt and property taxes and tying up tax money from being used in other projects. 




Proposition 3 wants to add a new section to the Texas “Bill of Rights” to ensure that the state nor political entities can prohibit or limit the practice of religious services or organizations. 

This is a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, where remote interaction was enforced for 12 days. 

This allows the church to be able to provide support in a crisis, as well as to continue the freedom of religion from the US Constitution. 

This would however make churches less regulatable for when other natural disasters occur and could provide an easy spread of disease in future pandemic situations. 




Proposition 4 wants to change the requirements to be eligible as a judge in the Texas Supreme Court or the State District Court and adds disqualification if their license to practice law has been revoked.

Passing this will increase the required experience for lawyers, and provide better candidates to ensure a qualified judiciary.

Current thoughts against this vote stem from lowering diversity into qualified candidates and shrinking the eligible pool of candidates. 




Proposition 5 grants additional powers to the State Commission when it comes to issues in the judiciary. 

This act would allow a more fair trial for misconduct trials against judicial candidates and ensures an impartial look at misconduct on both candidates and complainants to be heard and acted on.

This is seen as an extra step, as complaints can be filed with other authorities, and can lead to an extra burden on the State Commission.




Proposition 6 will allow the designation of an essential caregiver by residents of nursing homes and group facilities. 

It will also not allow this caregiver in-person visitation, which can alleviate loneliness, depression, and anxiety through support, and for people without connections, allows comfort to come in from outside the facility. 

This will take away restrictions for this visitation, which can also affect facility staff and fellow residents, including during pandemic situations, and could allow the spread of disease through exposure. 




Proposition 7 allows the surviving spouse of disabled persons to keep the limitation on school district property taxes, provided they are over 55 when the disabled person died, and still live in the home. 

Passing this would allow the surviving spouse to keep an important benefit, as well as enforce its protection.

It passed unanimously in both the Texas House and Senate, showing broad support. 

Passing it however could limit tax revenues for school districts, and lead to future exemptions, which can further revenue decreases. 




Proposition 8 would update the exception for the surviving spouse of a deceased military member to the line of duty death, and not just in action. 

Qualifications aside remain the same that property taxes are exempt in that situation and provided the spouse is not remarried.

Passing this would reduce tax revenues and lower property values, but allow the spouses of deceased service members to receive benefits, and honor the sacrifices they made for others.



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