BHM Major Taylor-Cyclist

Marshall “Major” Taylor, born in 1878, started his cycling career in Indianapolis, Indiana Chicago, and New York.

Soon he was recognized as the Colored Bicycle Sprint Champion of America.

He turned professional when he was 18 years old and astonished everyone who saw him with his talented performances 

The story of the “Colored Cyclone is the story of his battles to establish the right to participate in professional bike racing in America.

Taylor’s accomplishments include being the second Black world champion, preceded only by George Dixon, the Bantamweight champion, and the first black athlete to compete in the open, integrated competition for an annual American championship.

In all of his achievements, he set an example of accomplishment and pride to African- Americans.

Major Taylor died penniless in Chicago in 1932.

Honoring Black History Month with pride.  I’m Chuck Williams for KGNC News

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