Barrio Neighborhood Job Classes
If you’re looking for a new job or new career, the Barrio Neighborhood Planning Committee is holding two job classes.
Those in attendance will hear from a panel of employers who are currently hiring workers, and meet one-on-one with these employers if they’re interested in learning more about the jobs.
The Committee invites everyone 16 years old and up to attend these free job meet classes.
Five Dell laptops are being donated by AT&T and will be distributed to five Barrio families who have children in K-12 grades and don’t have a working computer at home.
Two $50.00 Pak-A-Sak gift cards door prizes and one gift basket will also be given away.
classes are on Tuesday, May 16, and June 20 at 6:00 p.m. at the Alamo Center.
Drinks, snacks, and child care will be provided.
Call (806) 437-6592 or email at bnpamarillo@gmail .com for more information