APD, DPS Combine To Curb Street Racing

According to a provided press release, the Amarillo Police Department in concert with the Texas Department of Public Safety conducted a traffic safety enforcement operation August 2 and 3.

Officers say the focus of the effort was to curb illegal street racing and enforcing DWI laws within the city.

Concern over vehicle and motorcycle racing is said to have been the catalyst for conducting the operation, as, according to police, those who take part in such illegal racing pose significant risk of crashes and deaths.

The operation was started in response to concerns about vehicle and motorcycle racing. Police say those drivers pose significant risks of crashes and deaths.

The operation concentrated on the area south of I-40 between I-27 and the new loop. The result of which netted:

  • 245 total traffic stops
  • 53 speeding citations
  • 101 other citations
  • Nine seat belt citations
  • One reckless driving arrest
  • Two DUI arrests
  • Four drug arrests
  • Three warrants served

The press release noted “The Amarillo Police Department and other local law enforcement agencies will continue the fight to reduce traffic crashes and the senseless deaths that occur from speeding or racing, not wearing seatbelts and impaired driving.”

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