Amarillo’s Comprehensive Plan

The City of Amarillo is working on its comprehensive plan called Vision 2045.

This is a 20-year-plan that’ll start with community input, and Vision 2045 is actually an update that was completed in 2010.

State law requires that Texas cities need to have an updated comprehensive plan, and the city is going to be looking at affordability, housing, transportation, and qualities that will enhance the lives of it’s current and future residents.

They’ll be using statistical data from key indicators for how many people they can expect to move into, or leave Amarillo. From that, they’ll be able to plan out housing and jobs for that number of people over that period of time.

There are a lot of plans already in place that will fall into the new updated city plan.

Vision 2045 will be looked over by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the newly formed steering committee before presenting it to the public.

The city plans on bringing in the public in January, with a website solely for the project.

The city would like to have a draft plan by the 2023 with adoption ,at the end of 2023 or in early 2024

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