Amarillo City Council Held A Marathon Meeting Tuesday
The Amarillo City Council held a marathon meeting Tuesday during which some interesting nuances were introduced, including a change to the Mayor Pro Tempore position.
At the request of Place 1 council member Josh Craft, the Pledge of Allegiance will now be followed by the Texas Pledge, which was given Tuesday. “I think it’s important we honor our country as well as our state,” said Craft.
A single 5-0 vote covered the 26 consent items on the agenda, which included Playa Lake pump rental, a street sweeper, decorative lights, and other improvements and service needs.
The resolution pertaining to Mayor Pro Tempore drew a suggested change from Mayor Cole Stanley. Following some discussion, a change to the resolution, and a 5-0 vote, it was decided the position will be a 6-month role which will allow each council member the chance to serve. Place 1 council member Josh Craft will be Mayor Pro Tempore for the next 4 months or so due to the runoff, followed by the others in successive order.