AISD Starting In-Person Summer School Classes; School Zones Lights Active
July 10, 2020 10:42AM CDT
Amarillo ISD is starting in- person summer school classes.
School officials say testing out some of the new safety measures now with in -person summer school is really a dry run for the 2020-21 regular school year.
So far, the number of summer school students are lower as the in-person classes are starting.
They’re saying that’s due to the STAAR testing is not required this year.
AISD says since the state testing was waived, students that who did not pass the STAAR test would go to the summer sessions to make up state assessments they did not pass.
Also, school officials say younger children in the elementary grades prefer the face to face instruction in-person, and they’re thinking the summer school template is the most effective.
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